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Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm rather subversive and strange little things make me laugh.

When I was heading to Honduras a few weeks back, I flew through Toronto where I had to preclear American customs (I was flying through Miami). Technically once you have precleared customs you are on American soil. So ... I had to snicker when the older couple ahead of me pushed their baggage through customs on a trolley sporting a rather bright ¡Que viva Cuba! advertisement on its back.

Heh heh heh heh.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ah, Tegus

I'm back from two weeks in Tegucigalpa, the bustling capital of Honduras. What can I say? It's the only place I've even been to where Christ has only a slight hierarchy over Coca-cola....

Click on the photo for the full effect!