A Welcome to Mozambique Nosebleed
Thirty-six hours after leaving home on Friday, I arrived in Maputo, Mozambique and was welcomed with a nosebleed! Yes, while waiting for my luggage to come off the conveyor belt at the airport, my nose started to unsurreptitiously bleed! I was caught totally by surprise since in all my travels - and long-haul flights are the main reason why my carbon footprint is not in the saintlier than the saints category - I've never gotten a nosebleed from changes in air pressure. Fortunately two women standing next to me were extraordinary speedy in whipping out all kinds of tissues and clean wipes so that I could take care of myself without having to worry about hauling all my carry on luggage around trying to find the washroom while bleeding from the nose. In any case, things quickly got better, my nose acclimatised to its new environment, my bag arrived, my visa was procured and someone from the office picked me up. We headed to the hotel and all was well!
Tomorrow morning, I am off again, seven hours up the coast to the rural town of Massinga in the province of Inhambane. It's definitely off the grid....
I hope the trip goes well, and is nosebleed free!
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