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Saturday, April 15, 2006

REALLY Poor Hospitality

While I'd like to think that last week's show of poor hospitality was due to circumstances beyond my control, there was really no excuse for the lack of hospitality shown to my poor mother who arrived in Recife last Wednesday. Ever trying to be the good hostess, I ensured that the sheets in the guest room were freshly laundered; that the soap, shampoo and towels were ready and waiting; that the windows were washed; that I knew what time her flight would land and that I got myself to the airport in time; that an array of travel guides were available to plan our itinerary; and that I even managed to call home the day before to see if there were any last minute questions. Amid the preparations however, never once did it cross my mind to ensure that there was food in the house! Really. There was nary a crumb, except for a few odd condiments cuttering up the fridge. My poor mom! It's a good thing that i) I managed to russle up a half-full box of cereal for breakfast; and ii) she has a good sense of humour! The flipside is that we've eaten out at some really good restaurants in the last few days. More to follow....


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

Hello Caipirissima's Mom!

Wait, your Mom came for a visit and she expected FOOD?!?

I always give my guests and option would you prefer clean sheets and towels or food?

I know it was all in your master plan because who really wants to cook when there's company?

9:54 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure your mom wanted to try out all the restaurants anyways - especially after hearing you rave about so many of them! Hope you're having a good time together!!


10:52 p.m.  

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