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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Poor Hospitality

First they got my rice. Then my pasta. Then my instant soup mixes and my spices (even the savoury ones). One by one all these products have found their way into my fridge and freezer as I try to avoid the Wrath of the Bugs. But last night, I was saddened even further. Since I had some tea-drinking friends coming over, I decided to spice things up a bit a serve a pot of Café Santropol's amazingly unique Hospitali-tea. Once I had the kettle safely heating up, I reached into the pantry and pulled out the box of tea, only to discover that it too had little bugs scurrying in and out of the bags. How annoying that the bugs chose to attack Hospitali-tea's blend of red clover flowers, camomile, spearmint, linden, peppermint and orange blossons rather than some everyday run-of-the-mill grocery-store purchased tea. So now I have bugs with discerning taste and am quickly running out of room in my fridge in which to store the rest of my pantry!


Blogger Kirk said...

Ah, yes, we know spring is on the horizon here because ants are all of a sudden getting in everything. But I'd take ants over tropical bugs of any sort...

8:57 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emmmm... extra protein?

6:26 p.m.  

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