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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why Holding One's Breath Can be Hazardous to one's Heath

Remember my car? Well ... as promised, it did arrive in Recife on Friday. However, the invoice (nota fiscal), which is necessary for me to move along with the next set of transactions, has been SENT BACK TO SAO PAULO! As it turns out, the invoice had not been stamped by the Federal Customs Office thus rendering it useless. It has now been sent back to the Customs Office so that it can receive its coveted stamp to then be returned to Recife so that I can do things like purchase the insurance and request my plates. The dealer estimates that the note will be back in town by Friday....


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

so close....yet so far!

Can you at least go to the dealership and visit your car?

11:29 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

here's hoping everything goes smoothly!

5:39 p.m.  

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