A Social Commentary on Bedtimes
An article on kids' bedtimes in yesterday's Globe & Mail suggests that today's school-aged children are getting substantially less sleep than kids of the same age a generation ago. According to the article:
For growing youngsters, sleep is the balm of brain development. Chronically sleep-deprived children have higher rates of learning difficulties, behavioural problems, obesity, illness and accidents. Sleep shortages are perhaps most pronounced at school, where teachers see a host of consequences. Concentration shrivels. Creativity suffers. Hyperactivity increases. Attention spans shrink. Short-term memory suffers. Immune systems wane.
The parents interviewed in the article lament the difficulty that they have trying to get their six-year-old to get to bed in a timely manner. Should this difficulty continue, they warn that they will be forced to remove the television in his bedroom on which he plays video games late into the night.
Ummmmmmm .....
I am not even sure my commentary needs to be verbalised....
I don't see what the problem is, my bedtime is 8:00pm and I get a full nights sleep.....
I see kids now and still think they are out later than I was. But then again, none of them were getting up at 4:30 in the morning.
TV is bad - they should just ban it altogher. Oh wait, except for adults/parents... haha
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