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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yet Another Post on Food

This afternoon, I ate lunch here, previously blogged about here. In my first blog about Jardins, I lamented the fact that the food was so good that I found myself eating quite a bit more than my usual lunchtime fare. Well, had I been able to stick to overeating by only 200g today, I would have been rather ahead in the game. Fortunately for me, I don't have a clear account of today's weight consumption since I went back to the scale three (yes, three, trois, trĂªs) times, and thus the totals got all smudged and blurred together (obviously things are better this way)! Of course if you consider that lunch was in true latin fashion and you divide the gram consumption by the two and a half hours that I was there (it was a business lunch...), in the end it really wasn't all that bad! Needless to say, Jardins is definitely one of the best por quilos that I have been to in all of Brazil. High praise indeed since por quilos rule the roost here!


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