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Thursday, September 29, 2005

There's a Constant Drilling in my Head - or - Why Going to Work in the Morning is a Relief

There's a constant drilling in my head that just won't stop. Every day. Every moment. Oh wait. No. It's just the sound of the Savaroni hotel being demolished piece by piece. Day by day. Minute by minute. My mistake. Several other buildings are also in various states of repair/disrepair in the neighbourhood which doesn't help either.

Okay, I exaggerate a little. But mostly due to the fact that I get to go to work in the morning and don't get back until after dark thus escaping 95 percent of the noise. As it is, the Savaroni is being demolished floor by floor with the use of hand drills. Hand drills, I tell you. I found out from a neighbour that the reason why the hotel is not being demolished through more rapid means -- well-placed explosions or a wrecking ball perhaps -- is because my building is not structurally strong enough to withstand the impact of the collapse of the hotel. Apparently, the foundation of my building wasn't built all that well [ahem, no comment] and shortly after construction was completed, one side started to sink. For mucho money, the building [not sure who exactly: the construction company; the condo administrators; or the collective of owners?] managed to upright the building once again. However, since then, no nearby demolitions are permitted. Hence the chiseling away of the Savaroni, piece by piece, concrete cylinder by concrete cylinder. Of course, this is the same demolition company that also had the workers white-washing the protective fence with two-inch rollers....


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

I can imagine that would be quite annoying. But at least your house will be safe.

4:19 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

You're right. I should look for the Silver Lining!

9:59 p.m.  

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