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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Feuding ... and Dancing!

I don't really watch a lot of television either here or in Canada. But sometimes, when I feel that I have fallen too out of touch with popular culture, I turn on the set and watch a show or two, you know just to catch up and appear enlightened. Well, I guess that tonight was the night. Home from work, I decided to turn on the telly and see what was up in the world. And what did I stumble across but the Brazilian version of Family Feud. Check out the host on the website -- a little too much plastico if you ask me. People don't actually look like this do they?? In any case, the show strangely entranced me until the very end when I had to laugh as the sequence totally fell into my previous post on the whole Brazilians love to dance thing.

In the American version of the show, the last portion involves two members of the winning family having to answer five questions in fifteen seconds in an effort to reach 200 points and thus win a bunch of money. Normally, the second contestant has to leave the set so that they will not overhear the answers of the first contestant. Well, in the Brazilian version, the second contestant has to go stand in a glass or otherwise see-through box and dance in front of the entire studio audience to the musical style of their choice while the first contestant goes through the quiz. Today's contestant chose samba. I kid you not!

Through a quick internet search, I discovered that in fact, Family Feud is still on in the States -- now hosted by the dude who played Al on Home Improvement. Maybe it would just be better for me to remain pop-culturally unawares! Oh my!


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

He is scary looking!

Yeah FF is still on here, I flip by it all the time.

9:59 a.m.  

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