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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Air Canada versus The Cat

It pays to blog! Ever since I wrote this blog lamenting Air Canada's upcoming pet policy, I have been the happy recipient of a flurry of emails from People Who Can Not be Named to Protect the Innocent But Nevertheless Have Ins trying to help out with my cat travel predicament. The advice has been appreciated. Thank you! Here is the latest:

I measured Felix's cage, weighed them both and then ran to the office to fully book and confirm my ticket home, cat fully in tow. That was yesterday. Today since we had no answer or confirmation from Air Canada, we called back and learned that "it takes seven days to confirm whether the pet can travel or not". This seems like a local rule to me.... When we moved to Brazil, I called Air Canada, told them that I had a cat, and bingo!, he was officially on the fly list. So technically, we are in limbo until next Monday, but I am going to try to use the good 'ol Brazilian jeitinho if I don't have a confirmation by Thursday.


Blogger Magic Mark said...

I am sure Felix will be able to be repatriated by Air Canada... 9-)

Interesting paper, BTW.

10:12 a.m.  
Blogger Allison said...

I skimmed your entry and thought that you went to the office and booked your ticket with Felix in tow... (I pictured him on a leash - resisting of course...) Then I re-read... not quite as exciting, but interesting nonetheless! I will cross my fingers for seven days for you!

11:55 p.m.  

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