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Saturday, June 16, 2007

You Can Take the Girl Out of Québec...

I'm back from another four-day stint in Salvador. As tends to happen after several trips in quick succession, I am beginning to develop my favourites there, including scrumptious Maria Mata Mouro in Pelourinho. Now, back at home, I find myself sorting through my wallet as I tend to do on occasion. One of the receipts made me laugh. It was from a home outfitting type store around the time that I had an onslaught of guests. Not quite having enough linens to accommodate seven people, I made an emergency trip to the mall to pick up a few extra bath and hand towels. Although I had meant it to be a quick trip, I ended up anguishing about which towels to buy based on the store's erratic and somewhat eclectic selection. I finally settled on some fluffy white towels with a nice leafy pattern on the border. Just today while cleaning out my wallet did I notice their official name as printed on the receipt: Toalha Banheiro Quebec.

You can take the girl out of Québec....


Blogger Allison said...

I certainly hope you didn't stock up on towels on our behalf, though they were quite lovely, nice choice under pressure.. and fitting! I'm doing the same thing with receipts from our trip to visit you... trouble is, I rarely paid attention to the name of the establishment or I forgot, and it's sort of confusing (though interesting) that almost all receipts in Brazil look identical!

7:00 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Hiya Allison. No worries - they were for my Carnaval group - you just got to benefit from their invasion as well!

8:51 p.m.  
Blogger Magic Mark said...

Too bad you can`t claim business expenses on your unofficial B&B.. 9-)

11:49 a.m.  

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