If you don't hear from me for a while ...
... it's probably because I have BLOWN AWAY!
Five signs that the wind is strong. Or that your house isn't very well built:
5. Your curtains flutter in the wind even though your windows are closed.
4. You can't hear your incredibly noisey air conditioner over the wind.
3. The seams of the material of your deck chair have been ripped open.
2. The tied-on cushion of another deck chair has been ripped off and blown away.
And the number sign that the wind is strong or that your house isn't very well built ...
1. Your doors slam even though no windows are open.
Normal programming to return when the wind dies down....
Does your building sway though? Now that would be scary.
I have friends that live on the 46th floor of a 57 story high rise, right next to the lake (similar to you but not the same) and they say when it's REALLY windy they can feel the building move a little. That would freak me out!
So far, no swaying. I'm only on the thirteenth floor though (yes, the thirteenth floor exists in Brazil!). I did wonder the other night whether I would wake up (or not) in a pile of rubble of what used to be my building! I am not sure that I would be able to live on a 46th floor. Very brave!
You've watched too many David Letterman reruns. Is it as windy as Southern Alberta. As a golfer growing up there on a really windy day, if you teed your ball up too high--after a drive your ball might
end up behind the teebox instead of down the fairway
It's funny. I think that quoting David Letterman is something that is now genetically programmed in North American babies when they are born. Never having been a real fan, it seems to be spiel that one just knows!
It's pretty windy here, but mostly right on the beach. The tall buildings cut it off from the rest of the city. Golfing in the wind would add a whole new set of calculations, wouldn't it?
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