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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Taking Advantage of the Poor

Today, I learned two things from my cleaning lady:

i) That she was robbed at a notorious-for-robbings bus terminal and had lost her purse, a change of clothes, and R$47.50 [CAN$23.75], money that she can hardly afford to lose; and

ii) Unbeknowst to me, a telemarketer has been harassing her on the days that she works for me, relentless trying to get her to donate money to a charity. One day, several weeks ago, she answered the phone and a telemarketer asked for me. When she indicated that I wasn't home, the telemarketer turned her sights to Claudia, and used all the tricks in the book to get her to donate some money. Claudia pledged R$5.00 [CAN$2.50], still money that she can hardly afford. Since then, the same telemarketer has called Every Single Week asking when they can come pick up the money. Every week Claudia indicates that that week is impossible, but maybe the next week. I found this out today. On Monday, I'll put some money in an envelope and leave it with the doorman. Then, we'll have a lesson in saying no to telemarketers.

Poor Claudia.


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