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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Uma Chuva de Mangas

It's raining mangos!

My Aunt Jane used to - and probably still does - have a saying that if you have to buy zucchinis during zucchini season it means that you don't have any friends. Ditto for mangos in Brazil during mango season! Late November through December is mango season and boy, are there a lot of mangos out there to be had. A friend of mine has three or four mango trees in her yard and together they give at her at least twenty mangos a day! A DAY! Or was that twenty mangos per tree per day? In any case, it was a heck of a lot of mangos. Hence the chuva de mangas here at Casa Karen. In addition to the ones in the bowl and the ones that I have already eaten, I have also gifted some along to the doormen. It's a win-win situation. Once again, I am on the prowl for mango chutney recipes -- although I seem to recollect that I was gifted one in my comments box sometime last year....

Mmmmmmmmm Mangos. Quite possibly my favourite tropical fruit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do look tasty. At least tastier than the potatoes we seem to have an abundance of here..

9:20 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Mmmmmmmmm ... this recipe looks good....

9:57 p.m.  
Blogger Living Away said...

Brazilian mangos!!!
I'm going home on thursday and my mom said that the "mangas" are more than delicious this season!!
I can't wait!!!

11:55 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Leandra, your mom is right, they are really good this year. Have a safe flight and enjoy being home!

10:59 p.m.  
Blogger CreamedHoney said...

When I lived with a family in Belize City my landlord ran a fruit farm for a Canadian from Saskatchewan of all places. We made frequent visits during mango season. I was struck by the many varieties--"julie" was a local favorite. Neigboring cows loved them as well and would bang against the tree trunks to get them to drop. Also a very dangerous time to be walking the streets which were littered with slippery mango peelings.

2:49 a.m.  

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