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Friday, August 18, 2006

Garbage: The Saga Continues

It turns out that that I going to have to start driving my garbage around Recife. My building has recently started following a city ordinance forbidding buildings from allowing catadores - or garbage pickers - from presorting the garbage and removing and selling all recyclable materials before it gets hauled off to the dump. Although my general practice was to already sort my trash and give it directly to the catadores as they sorted through my neighbours' refuse, the fact that they are no longer allowed near the building means that giving it directly to them is no longer so easy. In fact, it seems that all the buildings on my street have decided to follow the ordinance, making catadores scare in the immediate vicinty.

Although the ordinance sounds harmless enough - who really wants garbage pickers in one's immediate line of sight? - the impact is unquestionable, as the pickers will have to start working here as opposed to here. Call it the lesser of two evils. Since I cannot in good conscience contribute to increasing the number of people picking garbage directly in the dump, my only solution is to drive my garbage around in search of a catador.

Good thing I bought my car.


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