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Friday, May 06, 2005

Fall Foliage

This picture was taken during my trip to Chile two weeks ago. Almost looks Canadian, doesn't it? There were several moments during the trip when our surroundings could easily have been mistaken for the Gatineau hills or the Laurentians. There is something very special about going for a walk in the sun and getting to rustle through the fallen leaves.

I'm happy to be catching a bit of the Southern Cone fall before my move to Recife, where it is all summer all the time. The only disadvantage to hitting the beginning of fall here is that it is impossible to shop with my move in mind [there go my capitalist inclinations kicking in again; yes Nell and Ysa, you would be proud!]. The stores in São Paulo, as in Santiago and previously in Buenos Aires, are replete with wonderful fall collections full of knits and corduroys in oranges, browns, burgundies and beiges, which of course would just end up sitting in my closet in Recife. How sad. Can you tell that fall is one of my favourite seasons?


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