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Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday I bought thirty-six bottles of Sagatiba cachaça, thus bringing my current export potential to forty-five bottles. Some would call it a lifetime supply. Others would call it a darn good party. Either way, I'm not looking forward to paying the duty on all forty-five bottles in one shot (unfortunately exemption from import duties is not one of the job's perks!).


Blogger Magic Mark said...

Sounds like quite the party... 9-)

11:35 a.m.  
Blogger Michael Lehet said...

That does sound like a party.....now you'll just need to see how long it lasts and determine whether people are "Cachaca worthy"

Thanks for the Text Message my Mom loved it!!!!

11:49 a.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Michael, you are totally right. Some people are just not cachaça worthy - a secret evaluation must always be conducted prior to sharing the stash!

5:56 p.m.  
Blogger Allison said...

Hey! I forgot to tell you that I can buy Pitu at the liquor store that is directly across the street from my house! It is a whopping $27.99 US. (Actually I'm thinking/hoping that it is a reserve bottle or something...) Surprisingly, there were actually 3 cachaca brands sitting on the shelf, a little dusty but still able to stir up memories of our trip! I settled on the budget options for $18, 51 of course! And introduced some friends to the drink... they found it a little different... (ie didn't like it till we severely upped the sugar content and added crushed fresh raspberries - the latter is highly recommended!)

11:47 p.m.  

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