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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

List Update

It turns out that I am not doing too well on my list of things I want to accomplish before heading home. Let's see:

The A List

Serra da Capivara: Still hoping, but no plans. At least I saw the paintings at the Lajedo da Soledade.
Praia da Pipa: It's only three and a half to four hours away. What am I waiting for?
Fernando de Noronha: A woman can dream, can't she?
Expresso in Sao Paulo: Surely I can manage this one. But when?
Frevo: A-ha! I did have a spontaneous frevo lesson last month, so I feel like I can check this one off.
Gorge on Macaxeira: No problems with this one. In fact, I think that I have eaten nine months worth in two.

The B List

Trek through the Chapada Diamantina: No plans yet.
Visit Salvador: A-ha #2! Work will be sending me back to Salvador before the end of the month.
Dance with the bois in Sao Luis: Looking unlikely.

I will continue to work away and try to schedule things in. Seeing that some of the things on my list are actually repeats, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad if I don't get to do them again. There are also some new additions which weren't on the first list, including trekking in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, a national park located 300km north of Brasilia, plus there are some pretty cool things that I have done which weren't on any list. In the end, I am sure it will all balance out. I can't believe that two more months are already gone....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On one hand, like Mark said, you've doen so much, don't worry if you miss a few things on the list. On the other hand, if you remove sleep from your daily list, you should be able to add say 8 hours a day or 56 hours a week. How much could you accomplish then?

Carolyn Marenger

4:40 a.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Carolyn, excellent suggestion! Why didn't I think of this myself? Who needs sleep anyway? At least not eight hours of it. Heh heh!

6:39 p.m.  

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