During the first couple of years that I worked with Brazil, my colleagues and I used to complain - light-heartedly, of course - that things just weren't as adventurous as they used to be. While our predecesors got to go on amazing epic journies involving all-terrain vehicles and dug-out canoes, all we got to do was go to Brasilia. And Rio, if we were really lucky. However, after this, my most recent journey, I feel as if I can officially join the ranks of the workplace adventurous. Aside from the sites/projects that were on my official agenda, I managed to arrange three small Off the Beaten Path sidetrips, one of which was the Valley of the Dinosaurs just outside of Sousa, Paraiba. The actual site isn't that big and can easily be visited in an hour - but it was definitely worth the travel as there are metres and metres of fossilised or petrified dinosaur footprints. Unfortunately, as in most of Brazil, there isn't a whole lot of money to invest in excavating the site and uncovering its whole potential. But still, the tracks that exist - estimated to be 120 million years old - are pretty neat. My only word of warning is to watch out for the killer, or at least highly damaging, wasps!
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