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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Something I Could Live Without

Complain, complain, complain, complain. The girl lives on the beach for heaven's sake...

... yes, yes, I realise that life is good. But please, allow me to complain for a moment, just a brief second, about the ANTS THAT ARE INVADING MY HOUSE, MY SANCTUARY, MY RETREAT, MY OWN PRIVATE SPACE. I'm not talking about the no doubt various ant colonies that live in my kitchen. Those ants and I have reached détente. I don't poison them, and they don't bother me. Too much. And if I am feeling particularly generous, I leave a bit of spilled orange juice, mango skin, warm milk (!), or fancy bread (!!) for them to devour. We co-exist. No, I am not talking about those ants. I am talking about the nasty, egg-laying, no-respect-for-boundaries ants which created a thriving, and I do mean thriving, colony in the bubble wrap that enveloped a picture frame in its box in my breakfast nook and which then jumped all over me and tried to take me down with them when I decided to tidy the nook. These are the ants that I could do without.

They're drowned now.


Blogger CreamedHoney said...

Ants are a universal plague everywhere. In Kentucky they seek shelter after a heavy rain inside nooks and crannies in your house. Ants I can take--but today I discovered weevils in my flour and spent a wasted evening throwing out everything they might have come in contact with. In poorer days--Southerners used to just pick the weevils out of the flour before baking. Now we're more draconian.

4:05 a.m.  
Blogger PretaMulatta said...

HA! draconian, indeed. i grew up in the south + we learned that if u feed ants dry (uncooked) grits, that will rid u of the problem 4 GOOD. not sure if u can find them where u are in brasil, but some polenta should do the trick. just make sure it's uncooked...

i've recently discovered them in the bathroom of my new place. they must be coming from the trees. weird...

11:51 a.m.  

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