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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mana from Canada

This past week, I had the pleasure of hosting a colleague from Canada for five days. Visitors from home are always welcome since i) I get to do a whole series of fun things in a row and eat in all the best places, without feeling guilty; and ii) sometimes they come bearing gifts. Gifts are always welcome! This week's gift was two pulp & ink copies of the Globe & Mail. I realise that I can read much of the Globe online, but its just not the same as lazing about on a Saturday morning, coffee in hand, Globe at my fingertips. Is there any better way to spend a weekend morning?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm..sleeping comes to mind. Napping would be a close second..
Perhaps sleeping on a park bench covered in the Globe and Mail would be on the list somewhere, ha,ha..

11:01 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Happy: I thought that sleeping and napping went without saying!!

6:39 p.m.  
Blogger CreamedHoney said...

Our copy always arrives by slow boat to Kentucky. Still, like you,
it's always fun to catch up on the news that never appears in US dailies.

12:06 a.m.  

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