Have Car, Will Travel
Well, I've had my car for a week now and have taken it out three times (that's me, living the high life!). So far, I have:
- had to pass a garbage-pulling horse: once
- taken a wrong turn and ended up "on the wrong side of the tracks": twice
- gotten lost: once
- seen the results of an accident (all minor): three times
- been sandwiched by exhaust-spewing buses on three sides: once
- gone through red lights*: too many to count
- stalled: less and less each time
- arrived safely at home: three times
So far, so good. The next challenge is to try driving on a weekday! So far all my ventures have been on the weekend or at night, when things are a little calmer on the streets.
* de rigeur once the sun sets and the sidewalks have been rolled up.
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