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Monday, December 12, 2005

The Four-point Five-point Fort

Last weekend, in an effort to continue to broaden my horizons in my own city, I headed to the Forte das Cinco Pontas - or the Five-Point Fort - located on the shores of downtown Recife, protected from the Atlantic ocean by the city's famous reefs [after which Recife is named]. The Five-Point Fort was built in 1630 by the Dutch after they conquered and expelled the Portuguese from Recife and its environs. The Portuguese destroyed the fort after reconquering the Dutch in 1654 and rebuilt it in 1677, although this time in Portuguese-style with only four points. Although the Portuguese rechristened the fort São Tiago, in true Recife fashion -- at least the Recifenses come by their persistent use of long-gone landmarks honestly -- it became known as São Tiago das Cinco Pontas. Today, it is again simply known as the Five-point Fort. After housing a prison, a military barrack, and a government ministry, the fort is now home to the City Museum which documents the life and times of Recife.

In true Murphy fashion, I didn't call ahead before visiting and arrived to discover that the museum would be reopening two days later following a year of renovations! Oooo ... so close, yet so far. The grounds were still open, so I had a fun time walking around inside and on the perimetre, but I will need to head back in the new year to check out the exhibition. Stay tuned for more caipirissima reviews....


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

Damn you for making me learn something new all the time.....I'm sure The Boyfriend appreciates it though : -)

Can't wait for when you can actually go inside and visit.

11:49 a.m.  

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