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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Where is that?

Imagine a place where the rich are rich and the poor are poor. A place where the richest twenty percent of society makes fifty-two times that which the lowest twenty percent makes. Imagine that twenty-five years ago, that same top twenty pecent made twenty-one times the average income of the poor. Fifteen years ago, the difference jumped to thirty-two. Today, it is at fifty-two, with the lowest twenty percent making two cents for every dollar earned by the richest twenty percent. Since 2000, the number of middle-class earners has decreased, while those classified as poor or upper-class have both increased.

Is it Brazil? Is it Recife? Is it São Paulo?

No. It is Manhattan.


Blogger Allison said...

I’d believe it! It sure was tough to make $6 an hour – granted it was cash, but then no benefits, and then pay $600 a month for rent….which was downright cheap for Manhattan standards….and I have a MS!

3:25 p.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

I had forgotten about your "eastern" experiment Al! Wasn't that the Christmas that you asked for postage stamps? You mean MSc right?

6:43 p.m.  
Blogger Allison said...

yup...the joys of groveling for an under the table job, paying rent in cash, existing on the same spagetti dinner every night (99 cents for noodles, $2.49 for sauce - a good 4 meals out of that...) while my roommates went out to the latest and greatest club or restaurant and spent more than I earned in a week... good for the soul searching though!!

7:10 p.m.  

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