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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lego my Uno

On the list of Cottage Activities Of Note [CAON] is the fact that we tried a new game! Yes, it is absolutely true. The Cousines opened their minds and souls and played a game other than Uno. For some reason, which I can no longer remember, we play mad crazy games of Uno everytime that the family gets together. These games usually lead to much stomach-hurting laughter, crying [from laughing to much], lobbying, back-stabbing, alliance-making and breaking, and dredging up the same jokes every time. Well ... as fate would have it, no one remembered to bring their copy of Uno! Oh woe was us! But, ever the solution-seeker, Mark, a self-confessed Board Game Geek, attempted to introduce us to a new game. Although I admit that we gave him quite a hard time while he patiently attempted to explain the rules [try explaining rules to a new game to a family that travels thousands and thousands of kilometres just to play Uno], it turned out that we quite enjoyed Saboteur. Or rather, the game of Saboteur was enjoyed by all. In essence, the game is about a group of dwarves mining for gold. But ... among the dwarves are secret saboteurs who are trying to stimy the dwarves efforts. Okay, I admit that my explanation makes it sound a little bit lame, but for my Uno-less family, it offered a fun alternative in a Lobbying, Back-stabbing, Alliance-making and breaking, and Dredging up the same jokes every time kind of way. Two-thumbs up for Saboteur! And kudos to Mark for his patience and humour!


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