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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Strange Signs - A Contest

If anyone knows what this sign means, please, let us know. We saw several in the quaint (until we were robbed) neighbourhood of Santa Tereza in Rio. A pound of Brazilian coffee will go to the most creative and/or likely suggestion (unfortunately, due to my travel schedule, the prize is only valid for those living in the Montreal, Ottawa, or Toronto region). Others are still encouraged to enter, but the prize will be limited to the satisfaction of winning. Vote early. Vote often.

Nota bene: For those who want to vote, but are afraid of selling their soul to Blogger, pick "anonymous" when commenting.


Blogger Karen said...

Not that I want to squash your creative juices Paul, but aren't most firetrucks there to put out fires, rather than to catch on fire themselves?

5:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly it's a bus stop for people with a high likelyhood of spontaneous combustion. (The buses are specifically designed to vent any heat, smoke and flames from the combustion process).
- Carolyn M.

5:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of carrying combustible materials on buses.
- Chantal (Chant'l) M.

5:37 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sign could mean one of two things:
1. It is just a marker at places where buses caught fire in Santa Tereza. You saw you saw it in several places, so I would recommend avoiding the buses in that neighbourhood.

2. Or maybe it is an indication that buses that stop here are not air conditioned. When it is hot in Rio, it is hot!

Highly recommend the book The Kite Runner. Makes you laugh and cry and ache for Afghanistan, all at the same time.

4:49 p.m.  

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