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Sunday, March 11, 2007

How the West Northeast was Really Nearly Almost Won

Remember Lampião? The outlaw/bandit who terrorised the Northeast for years in the early years of last century? Well ... I've finally discovered how, in fact, he and his band of cangaceiros were able to do so. You see, for Carnaval, two of my intrepid guests decided to dress up as the Man himself, endearing themselves, in the process, to the large majority of the Municipal Ball's attendees, but I digress [as I tend to do]. In any case, as part of their schtick, we purchased authentic[-looking] cangaceiro hats in Recife's market place and went about acquiring bits and bobs to accentuate their look.

As it turns out, the costumes were an immediate success and both cangaceiras made many fast friends. As the evening wore on, however, we noticed a rather strong smell coming from them, and through further investigation, we discovered that it emanated from their hats. Yes, it turns out that the hats STUNK to high heaven [and back]. No one was even willing to get close at that point....

Immediately after the Ball, the hats were uncerimoniously delivered to my back room where it was hoped that the smell would dissipate. A month later, I have to say, the whole back portion of my apartment continues to reek smell and I can barely make it into the back room. And that my friends, is scientific proof, of how the Northeast was really nearly almost won!


Blogger Rebêlo said...

Hi, I've got here from Google after a search on Recife... actually, I'm a recifense living abroad. Are you really in Recife?

12:15 a.m.  
Blogger Karen said...

Rebêlo: I am here in the flesh! E você, onde esta?

10:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just asking..... but , why don't you throw the hats out?

8:41 p.m.  

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