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Saturday, November 19, 2005

I had a Dream - Part II

As it turns out I should have heeded my anxiety dream more closely. Clearly my participation in this hike was in peril from the very beginning. However, contrary to my original beliefs, it wasn't the pants that brought me down. It was the trip itself. It just simply didn't materialize, and just when everything else was going so well. I got up in time, packed a nutritious lunch, grabbed a 2L water bottle, remembered my sunscreen and hat, packed an extra set of clothes and shoes since I knew that we would be rapelling in the waterfalls, caught the bus, and managed to find the pick-up location. All by 6:40. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Since other groups also use the same pick-up location, I watched as packs of happy travellers headed on their way to different beaches up and down the Pernambuco coast. At 7:45, I headed home.

It's funny, as I am not really surprised by the turn of events. In fact, at some level of my subconscious, I think that I almost expected this to happen. Oh well! Since it is not really a surprise, my level of disappointment remains low. I will try to follow up with the group next week -- I am especially curious to see if it will be hard for them to refund my money. In the meantime, I will enjoy a relaxing day in and around home.


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