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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Mousse de Limão

As a collective, Brazilians generally love desserts. Another one of my favourites (in addition to mousse de maracuja and creme de abacate) is lime mousse. Similar to passion fruit mousse, it is more accessible to northern cooks as it is easier to procure limes than it is to procure passion fruit in non-tropical countries. So without further ado, I leave you with the recipe for lime mousse, taken from the Brazilian cybercookbook:

1 can condensed milk [loads of Brazilian desserts are made from a base of condensed milk]
1 package unflavoured gelatin
3 egg whites
1/2 cup lime juice

Prepare the gelatin according to the package's instructions. Mix the lime juice with the condensed mix. Add the gelatin mixture once it has cooled down. Beat the egg whites and then fold into the condensed milk and lime mixture. Spoon into a bowl or individual serving dishes and refrigerate. Yum!


Blogger Ms Mac said...

That looks and sounds delicious. I don't know if I can buy condensed milk here....

Something else for the friends and rellies to bring!

3:07 a.m.  
Blogger daniel (gigo08) said...

i agree with you that mousse de maracuja is intensely good. creme de papaia is also delicous.

i have to say that one of the things that most made my mouth water is beijinhos, especially from amor aos pedacos.

my mouth is watering now just thinking about it...

10:26 p.m.  

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