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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Toilet Paper Goes in the Toilet and Other Tales of Readaption

So far, so good...

Buying a house by fax, txt messaging and long distance bank drafts is a great way to reduce reintegration stress. 'Nuff said. Guest room open for visits soon enough!

Just because it is still dark, it doesn't mean that it isn't almost time to get up. In my east-facing Recife bedroom, daylight came early (circa 4:30 - 5:00am) - meaning that getting up was an activity only undertaken after several hours of daylight had already come and gone. Not so here in the Great Orange (leaves, not snow) North (yes, I realise that this will only get worse until the end of the year and that I ain't seen nothing yet). On the other hand ...

Just because it is still light, it doesn't mean that I have to stay at work any longer. Loooove daylight that extends beyond 5:30pm as it makes evenings much more fun. Early sunsets all year round in Recife meant never getting out of the office during daylight hours (yes, I also realise that this will change as we progress towards the solstice).

Living in Chinatown means eating lots of Chinese food. I've changed neighbourhoods and now live on the border of Chinatown. Result, by the time I had been back for a mere twelve days, I had already eaten Chinese food four times en resto and twice as leftovers and Vietnamese once. The local entrepreneurs seem quite pleased with my new presence in the neighbourhood.

Just because a person is walking down the street either alone or in a group of two doesn't mean that they intend to rob me. To celebrate my return to Canada, I bought a new wallet - one which holds ALL my cards, ALL at the same time. Who would have thunk?

And yes ...

Toilet paper goes in the toilet, a fact which I manage to remember ninety-something percent of the time....


Blogger CreamedHoney said...

Welcome back to NA. Your musings about Brazil have given us an insider's look at life there.

3:42 a.m.  
Blogger Michael Lehet said...

I'm confused about the toilet paper, and I think I like it that way.

10:06 a.m.  

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